Proper Hydration While Hiking


Hydration pic


Since 2015, Timothy “Tim” Maleck has worked as a financial associate for an asset management firm in New York City. He is also registered with the state of New York as a certified public accountant. In his free time, Tim Maleck maintains an active lifestyle and enjoys hiking.

Since hiking is a physically demanding activity, hydrating properly while hiking is paramount. Not drinking enough water on your hike can cause dehydration, altitude sickness, and hypothermia.

Generally speaking, try to plan ahead by carrying at least a liter of water for every two hours you plan on hiking. However, how much water you plan on drinking will vary based on weather, your fitness level, and the trail’s level of difficulty. While water can get heavy, it is always smart to take more than you think you will need. Besides, as your hike progresses, your pack will become lighter as you hydrate.

Also, try to drink water at regular intervals and do not wait until you feel thirsty. Instead, drink before you feel thirsty to keep you that much further from dehydration. It is also smart to hydrate both before and after your hike to prepare and replenish your body, respectively.

Finally, while water is the best option, you may want to consider drinking other beverages that are high in electrolytes or carbohydrates, such as sports drinks. However, you should avoid drinks like colas, coffee, and alcohol, which will dehydrate you.

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